Forms for nominations and election to church bodies

For these pdf forms to print correctly, please:
   (a) click on the name to see the form
   (b) click the download button at the top right of the form (not the 'print' button)
      and  then choose either
'Open with' to select your normal pdf reader (eg Adobe Reader) and print from that
   (c2) 'Save File' to download a copy of the file, then open that on your machine and print it.

Churchwarden Nomination Form.pdf Churchwarden Nomination Form.pdf
Size : 76.747 Kb
Type : pdf
CC Nomination Form .pdf CC Nomination Form .pdf
Size : 273.157 Kb
Type : pdf
2025 Electoral Roll form.pdf 2025 Electoral Roll form.pdf
Size : 110.361 Kb
Type : pdf
Postal Vote Application.pdf Postal Vote Application.pdf
Size : 10.533 Kb
Type : pdf
Trustee-eligibility-and-FPP-declaration.pdf Trustee-eligibility-and-FPP-declaration.pdf
Size : 96.163 Kb
Type : pdf
2023 Synod Rep Nomination Form.pdf 2023 Synod Rep Nomination Form.pdf
Size : 187.873 Kb
Type : pdf


Claim Form for reimbursement of expenses incurred on behalf of All Saints Hérault.

Once downloaded and completed, please hand over or send the forms to Nigel Summersall first, not the address on the forms. Nigel will then send them on.

Expenses_Form_210203.pdf Expenses_Form_210203.pdf
Size : 52.032 Kb
Type : pdf

Planned Giving

Sterling Gifts.  Please use these forms if gifting money in Sterling (£) to All Saints Hérault. Once downloaded and completed, please hand or send the forms to Nigel Summersall and not to the address shown on the forms. Nigel will send them on.

Gift Aid Information.pdf Gift Aid Information.pdf
Size : 510.301 Kb
Type : pdf
Gift Aid pledge form.pdf Gift Aid pledge form.pdf
Size : 438.891 Kb
Type : pdf
Gift Aid bankers order.pdf Gift Aid bankers order.pdf
Size : 96.609 Kb
Type : pdf

Euro Gifts.  For both regular and for one-off donations in Euros (€) to All Saints Hérault, please use these forms. Once downloaded and completed, please hand or send the forms to Nigel Summersall.

Euro Pledge Form-1.pdf Euro Pledge Form-1.pdf
Size : 522.129 Kb
Type : pdf

Instructions and notes:

The Euros Pledge Form is designed to enable us to track and account for planned giving in Euros by donors who are tax resident in France. It also constitutes evidence of the donor's intentions which we are required to hold to justify the issue of a reçu fiscal.

The document constitutes a moral rather than a legal undertaking. However, we do require intending donors to print-out, complete and sign it in hard copy and return to the following address:

L'Église Anglicane de Tous les Saints dans l'Hérault
30 avenue de Canet
34230 Le Pouget

Although the form gives an option for payment by cheque or by virement bancaire, by far the most convenient (and cheapest!) arrangement would be for donors to set up a standing virement bancaire on their French bank account themselves by electronic banking.

If this method is elected, and we urge that it is, the need for cheques falls away. 

The Euros Pledge Form allows donors to indicate that they have chosen this method and to enable them to do so details of the Chaplaincy bank account are included in the form.

We hope this is clear but should you have any problems please contact the Churchwardens.