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Life at All Saints focuses around the service of Holy Communion. The regular services are on the first and third Sundays of the month at 10.30 am, but there are often services or events at other times, especially on notable days in the Church's year, eg Easter, Christmas and Lent. The services follow the order laid down in Common Worship introduced in 2000 and varies with the seasons of the Church's Year.
Holy Communion
We are a mixed group of people of different ages, backgrounds and traditions. We are made up of believing Christians and those who are "just looking". Whatever your reason you are most welcome to join us at any of our services and we hope you will be able to stay behind afterwards for chat and a cup of coffee. If you already receive Communion in another Church, then you are most welcome to do so with us.
The Prayer Group
We meet on the second Wednesday of the month from 10.30 to 11.30 am. Click here for more information.
Lent Courses and Lent Lunches
Normally we arrange a Lent study course each year, followed by a Lent Lunch at which donations are invited for charities chosen by the group. People are most welcome to attend either or both.
Church Electoral Roll
To be on the Electoral Roll and eligible to vote in elections and stand for office, you need to be 16 or over, baptised and meet one other criterion. Please see the application form under Admin, Forms etc, or click here. If you are not on our Electoral Roll and wish to be, please fill in the form and hand it to one of the Churchwardens. We need hard copies to comply with regulations.
Revisions to the Electoral Roll have to be completed 15 days before the Annual Meeting and all Church of England Electoral Rolls are renewed on a fixed six year cycle. A copy of our Electoral Roll is held by the Churchwardens. Should you wish to view the Roll, perhaps to verify your entry, please contact them. Likewise, if you wish to come off the Electoral Roll, please notify one of the Churchwardens in writing.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact one of the Churchwardens.
The Music Team
Alison, Sue, and Carol meet together to choose the hymns for our services. They aim for a mixture of traditional and modern to reflect the diversity of our church membership and choose material that fits in with the theme of the service.
Charities supported by our Chaplaincy
The church supports a number of charities, some on an on-going basis and others on an ad-hoc basis. A list of recent charities is on the 'Our Church' tab and then 'Charities'.
Social Events
The chaplaincy organises a range of Social Events during the course of the year. Details are always posted on this website.
The Chaplaincy Organisation
We became a chaplaincy in the Church of England in January 2013 and are part of the Church of England Diocese in Europe. The rules of governance are almost identical to those applying to any Church of England parish. We have two Churchwardens and the congregation elects members to serve on the Chaplaincy Council. There is an Annual General Meeting early each year when the Report and Accounts for the previous year is presented. The chaplaincy is an 'Association Cultuelle' and 'Association Culturelle' and complies with French law.
The Chaplaincy Building
The building belongs to the Église Protestante Unie de France, which is a French Protestant Church that has an intercommunion agreement with the Church of England. Our host Church have made us very welcome and we donate funds each year to help maintain the building.
Chaplaincy History
The Church grew from a Home Eucharist Group in October 2003 that later used the churches at Conas for its services. It held its first Service at St Pargoire in March 2010.
Chaplaincy Policy on cookies
Whilst the church website does not use cookies, the web host does use two specific cookies to track traffic to the site anonymously.
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"Just listening" course
In 2019 a small group on the chaplaincy council decided to improve their listening skills. We approached the Acorn Christian Foundation and bought the Introductory DVD and course booklets "Just Listening". We undertook the two, 2 hour session course on one day and found it useful, if very basic.
We decided to open the course to anyone in the congregation. A few took up this opportunity to improve their ability to be a "listening ear".
Read the article about Julie's Admission as a Reader in the Diocese of Europe newsletter.
The journey has only just begun - Julie Johnson was admitted as Reader in the Diocese of Europe in the Chaplaincy of St Pargoire, Hérault, by the Archdeacon of France Ven Meurig Williams in November 2018. Click on the blue button to open the link