From the Diocese in Europe

Celebrating Nicaea

Seeing afresh the faith which holds us together

An introduction from Bishop Robert

“In 325, hundreds of bishops – some from rich and influential cities, others from poor and obscure regions - gathered in Nicaea on the frontier of the Empire’s Greek-speaking East and Latin-speaking West. They were the first fully ecumenical council. Their gathering marked the transition of Christianity into a properly international religion with public impact. It was this gathering which produced the Nicene Creed. This succinct statement articulates the radical, biblical insight that Jesus is both truly God living among us and truly human, living and dying in human history. In 2025, we celebrate that momentous Council and ponder afresh the world-changing beliefs which it articulated. In 2025, we know more than ever the world’s deep need for healing. That is why I am excited this anniversary year to be declaring with Christians across the globe God’s saving intent for humanity as expressed in our ancient creed.

1700 years ago this year, the foundations of the Nicene Creed that we say in church each Sunday were written in Nicaea (now called Iznik) which is in our Diocese, in Turkey. This gives us even more reason than most to celebrate this special anniversary and to learn more about this ecumenical creed. To that end, our Diocese has a number of special events planned and resources being made available.

Web Page

There is a dedicated web page where you can find information and links to resources. You can also view the wonderful video filmed in Iznik by Revd James Buxton, chaplain of Izmir.

Special Lent Course

The materials for this specially produced Lent Course, written specially for our Diocese, will be ready to download on our website very soon. This year Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, falls on 5th March. You therefore might like to run this course during the weeks beginning March 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st, and April 7th. If you are considering leading it, the author, the Revd Dr Donald McFadyen, will be running two briefing workshops on Zoom to help you prepare:

10am (CET) on Friday 7th February:
Meeting ID: 979 7827 8547

7pm (CET) on Monday 10th February:
Meeting ID: 994 7264 2113

Please note that you only need to attend one session as the content will be the same. We will also ensure there is a recording available.


A pilgrimage is being organised from 28th April – 7th May around the sites in modern-day Turkey associated with the great ecumenical councils. The pilgrimage is being jointly led by Bishop Richard Chartres and Greek Archbishop Nikitas Loulias. Places are now limited but you can still book here.

Bishop’s Study Gatherings

There will be two Bishop’s Study Gatherings for clergy and readers this year, the first (online on 5th June) led by The Revd. Dr.Christian Hofreiter, Chaplain of Citykirche Vienna, the second (a hybrid event on 6th November) led by Bishop Graham Tomlin, President of St. Melitus College and Director of the Centre for Cultural Witness. Both of these days are intended to help us with the task of defending and commending our core Christian beliefs in a more confident manner in a secular age. Please do save the dates in your diary now.

More resources to follow in the coming months, so keep an eye on our communications and on the dedicated webpage.

As ever, let us know if you have anything planned to celebrate the anniversary so that we can share it with others across the diocese: [email protected]

Please click here to read the latest edition of European Anglican Magazine.

Living in Love and Faith

How do questions about identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage fit within the bigger picture of the good news of Jesus Christ? What does it mean to live in love and faith together as a Church?

Many years work has culminated in a library of resources which the Church of England asks all its members to use as a way of thinking together about these questions.  There is an introductory video below.

More details are available on this link: