The Reverend Dr Roy Cole - Second Chaplain

Our Chaplain Roy was licensed by the Archdeacon, The Ven Dr Peter Hooper, on 8 October 2024 at St Pargoire. Roy’s licences are to serve our congregation and those of St Michael’s in the Gard and St George’s Vernet-les-Bains. Archdeacon Peter led the joyful and moving service. Roy renewed his ordination vows, the congregation affirmed their support for him and he was presented by representatives of the three chaplaincies with signs of Christian ministry: keys to the churches, water for baptism, a lighted candle, a Bible, and a chalice and paten. Stefan, a leader of the local English-speaking Simply Church, welcomed Roy who said he hopes to re-build some shared ministry by re-starting the “Fontès Carol Service”. (See the first item on this page.)