Other Venues
We normally meet at the Temple in St-Pargoire (directions on the 'CONTACT US' tab above) but sometimes we use other chapels and churches in our area. We hope that the details on this page will help you to find them.
Chapelle St Guiraud in Puissalicon
Address: 2, Rue Saint-Guiraud, Puissalicon. We hold services occasionally in this tiny chapel.
Saint Joseph de Mont-Rouge in Puimisson
Address: 20 Rue du Château d'Eau, 34480 Puimisson. The prayer group meets at this monastère each month.
Église Saint Christophe de Margon
Address: Rue du chateau, 34320 Margon. From time to time we hold services in this church, across the road from the spectacular château.

Chapelle Notre-Dame at Roquessels
Each summer we hold a service in this ancient chapel, high above the village of Roquessels, with beautiful views down the Thongue valley and as far as the coast on a clear day. This service is normally followed by a shared lunch.

Directions to Roquessels Chapel
Take the D13 from Gabian to Faugères and then the right turn for Roquessels.
You can park at Simon and Monica's (Domaine des Trinités) and walk to the chapel (see red route on map). The way shown is steep at the end, but there is a handrail.
Alternatively take the longer but less steep path marked on the map as Rue du Chateau.
If you prefer (or need) to drive, use the green route but be aware of the two sharp bends and the final quite steep road. There is limited parking behind the chateau d'eau, then walk through the cemetery to the chapel.