Chaplaincy Council

The Chaplaincy Council works with the Chaplain in promoting the mission of the church. The Chaplain and the Council have a duty to consult together on matters of general concern and importance to the Chaplaincy, and to co-operate in promoting the whole mission of the church: pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical. This includes almost everything to do with the chaplaincy's work in the Hérault and its relationship with the Archdeaconry and the Diocese.

The Chaplaincy Council members and their rôles are currently as listed below.

Revd Dr Roy Cole, Chaplain and ex-officio Chairman
Nigel Summersall, Churchwarden & Secretary, Assistant Treasurer & Lay Vice-chairman
Patricia Bigot, Churchwarden & Electoral Roll Officer
Julie Johnson, Reader & Archdeaconry Synod Rep
Jim Mallett, Archdeaconry Synod Rep
Ian Thomas, elected Lay Member until 2025 & Music Team member
Graham Gardner, elected Lay Member until 2027, Treasurer & Standing Committee
Jac Phillips, elected Lay Member until 2025 & Events Organiser
Sue Robinson, elected Lay Member until 2026 & Music Team member
John Gifford, elected Lay Member until 2026 & Events Organiser
Phyl Mallett, elected Lay Member until 2026
Trevor Jones, elected Lay Member until 2027

Steven Hopkins, not a Council member, has been appointed by the Council as Safeguarding Officer and ID Checker.

Alison Kane & Carol Gardner, not Council members, have been appointed by the Council to be Music Team members.

Council members, left to right & top to bottom:

Trevor Jones, Roy Cole, Phyl Mallett, Jim Mallett, Graham Gardner, Sue Robinson, Patricia Bigot, John Gifford,
Julie Johnson, Jac Phillips, Nigel Summersall, Ian Thomas.