
Our next Sunday service will be on 20 October.

We are a mixed group of different ages, backgrounds and traditions, who meet in the Chapel of the Église Protestante Unie de France in the village of St Pargoire, 10 km north east of Pézenas. St Pargoire is within a 60 minute drive of Montpellier, Béziers, Lodève, Sète and Narbonne. We'd love to welcome you to our services and church events, especially if you are new to our "Parish".

Our church life focuses around the service of Holy Communion. We follow the order laid down in Common Worship. Our regular services are on the first and third Sundays of the month at 10.30 am, but there are services or events at other times and sometimes at other venues, especially on notable days in the Church's year, such as Easter, Christmas and Lent. Refreshments are served after the service, providing an opportunity to chat and make friends.

Second-hand books are available for sale at each service, currently raising money for the work of The Red Cross in Ukraine.  Members bring to services basic foodstuffs and other provisions to be given to Restos du Coeur and Languedoc Solidarity with Refugees.  Our Music Team welcomes suggestions for hymns, via email to the chaplaincy email address.

Our chaplaincy is one of the 85 worshipping communities in the Archdeaconry of France within the Church of England's Diocese in Europe.  Click HERE for the Archdeaconry website in a new window.

 Latest News

Chaplain's licensing   Roy's licensing will be at 11 am on Tuesday 8 October at St Pargoire.

Madagascar   In June, Carol, Jane and John visited our "twin parish" Fenoarivo.  After our service on 18 August, those present enjoyed an excellent illustrated presentation describing their visit.  To see the slides and videos click here to go to the Madagascar page. You will also find answers to questions asked by our congregation via Carol.

Our Chaplain

Revd Dr Roy Cole
After 40 years in active ministry in the United States I am blessed by this new opportunity to serve in the three Chaplaincies of Hérault, Pyrénées-Orientales, and Le Gard. I look forward to discovering and supporting the ministries that God has called each of the Chaplaincies to. Please join us as often as you can and be a part of what God is doing in our midst.

Our Assisting Priests

Revd Roger Smith
I moved to live permanently in the Hérault in 2011, after many years in Rothwell, Northants. I was Chaplain from 2013 to 2024 and am delighted to be continuing to help out at All Saints.

Revd Gwilym Richards
I was ordained priest twelve years ago and have recently retired from my full-time 'day job' in IT.  My wife Sharon and I intend to spend part of each year in the south of France, the rest of the time in West Sussex.  It is great being here!

Our Churchwardens

Patricia Bigot
I try to be at each service to  welcome people attending All Saints.
I also answer all the queries arising from e-mails, issue the notices and organise the rota. 
Nigel Summersall
I am the backroom boy in the team. I produce the agendas and other papers for meetings.
I also deal with the correspondence between the Église Protestante Unie, the local administration and other local bodies.

Our Readers

Jane Griffin
I was licensed as a Reader in the Diocese of Salisbury eleven years ago, and have permission to lead worship at All Saints. We have a house in the Herault where we spend part of the year, and enjoy worshipping with the congregation at All Saints when in the south of France.
Julie Johnson 
Julie is a Reader licensed to this chaplaincy.


Safeguarding is at the heart of our Christian faith. We are all made unique and in the image of God. Jesus came that we might have life and have it in abundance. 

The chaplaincy takes its safeguarding obligations seriously. There’s an on-line training programme on the diocesan website HERE.  This is open to everyone and we ask all our members to do the Basic Awareness training.  Our Safeguarding Officer says:

Safeguarding does not just concern the chaplaincy council, but every member of the congregation. Everyone has a responsibility to themselves and to others to be aware of what safeguarding means and the issues surrounding it, importantly an awareness of limits and boundaries. As conscientious Christians we are not immune from over-stepping boundaries, indeed, in our desire to do good, we often run the risk of doing so.

In common with other churches, we have systems in place to ensure that we meet our obligations. If you have any questions or concerns, you should contact our Safeguarding Officer, Steven Hopkins, in complete confidence by email on [email protected] or by phoning him on 04 67 85 00 53.
Alternatively, you can speak with Roy or one of the Churchwardens. 

Full information is on the Safeguarding page on the OUR-CHURCH tab above: click here for direct access.

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