Julie Writes

Becoming a Reader

I didn’t choose to become a Reader, God chose me.  I think this has been his plan for my life for a long time but I did not realise it.  It’s rather like having an itch which you cannot scratch.  Now, as I look back, it seems obvious but it has taken me ages to understand. I have a quiet place near a cross in the vines where I can sit and ponder and I have done a lot of that ... (click here for more)

Barnabas Fund

The Barnabas Fund is an international, interdenominational Christian aid agency that supports Christians who face discrimination or persecution as a consequence of their faith.  The Barnabas Fund was established in 1993 and channels aid to projects run by national Christians in more than 50 countries and raises awareness.

It was named after St Barnabas whose feast day is June 11th. Barnabas went on many missionary journeys with St Paul and was especially concerned with converting Gentiles. He is mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles and was possibly the cousin of Mark the Evangelist.

For more information of the Barnabas Fund’s work all over the world look at their website www.barnabasfund.org. It is a fascinating website and has lots of information.